Monday 16 May 2016


A very enjoyable day's walk among the hills of lower Burgundy. It was bright sunshine when we set off this morning, and we had a wonderful first couple of hours walking through rural fields and forests.

The local Charolais cows (and an impostor)

We travelled on a mixture of paved roads and off-road tracks. Even on the roads the traffic presented no real problem. It was over an hour before we saw our first car on the road.

Walking through the woods 

At Les Janots we came across a series of signs protesting against the establishment of a migrant reception centre in the (very small) village.

2 families yes. The centre no.
Yes to welcoming migrants. No to destroying the balance in the community.

After passing the village of Lavau, we started encountering numbers of walkers coming the other way. It was another organised recreational walk, like we had seen yesterday at Charolles.  This one started at the nearby hillside village of Suin.

Recreational walkers. Suin is at the top of the hill on the left.
Great place for a walk.

After a while we headed east, away from the organised walk. We went through the small village of Sivignon on our way to joining the GR76C, the long-distance path that was to take us into Cluny. On the way we ate some fruitcake that had been given to us by the hosts of last night's chambre d'hôte.

Clive's morning tea

The GR76C climbed for a while, then followed a ridge through the forest before emerging for a final descent into Cluny.

Coming into Cluny on the GR76C 

Day:  30
Distance:  30.39km
Walking time:  6hrs 37mins
Elevation gain:  699 metres
Cumulative distance:  781.41 km


  1. Weather looks glorious, as does the scenery. What are the day time temperatures like?

  2. Tomorrow 7 to 17 degrees is forecast - getting warmer!
