Monday, 16 May 2016


Today we left the canals behind us for a pleasant stroll through the undulating rural roads around Charolles.

Early morning road out of Paray-le-Monial.  We counted 7 cars on our roads in the first 7 kilometres.

We headed out of Paray-le-Monial on quiet, almost deserted streets and were soon surrounded by farmland. There were large farm buildings, pastures, and paddocks grazed by Charolais, the local breed of cow.

Typical Charolais countryside

We also came across large numbers of frog ponds.
This pond was one of many we passed today that seemed to be used for breeding frogs.
A few kilometres into our walk was a well-preserved lavoir.

The Lavoir de Vernay near Lugny - maybe our favourite lavoir yet. It has an attractive exterior . . .
and inside, sloping concrete blocks leading to the water. You can just imagine the place filled with washerwomen at work.
From Lugny we walked towards Charolles along the busier D10. As we approached the town we detoured onto a walking path, and from then on passed several walkers coming the other way. We later discovered that they were on the Marche du Boeuf (Beef Walk), an organised walking excursion around Charolles.

The yellow, white, red and blue arrows on the signpost were direction markers for the Marche du Boeuf, an organised walking excursion around Charolles that was held today.  
We had a pleasant wander around the old streets of Charolles, then looked for somewhere to eat. We had decided to treat ourselves with lunch at a restaurant which advertised a "walkers' menu" which included local Charolais meat. Unfortunately, we had to change our plans when told the menu was only for official walkers (participants in the Marche du Boeuf) and not for the likes of us.

A non-official walker in Charolles 
So it was back to our traditional bread and cheese (today it was Brillat-Savarin) at a local park.

Non-official walker's lunch in the park at Charolles 
After lunch we left Charolles by the old priory and headed towards our evening destination of Ozolles, a couple of hours away on quiet roads through green, undulating countryside.

On the way out of Charolles - a large vegetable garden with a stone fence to keep out prying eyes

Day:  29
Distance:  28.0km
Walking time:  5hrs 49mins
Elevation gain:  591 metres
Cumulative distance:  751.02 km

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